Our Name is the important information in our Aadhar Card, hence if it is wrong in the Aadhar, or have changed your name in the gazette recently, we should know how to change name in Aadhar card. Let’s see how to change name of birth in Aadhar card in a few simple steps.
We can change the name in Aadhar card through online and offline methods.
How to change my name in aadhar card in online
1) Go to the Aadhar Self Service Update Portal, https://ssup.uidai.gov.in/ssup
2) Login, by entering your Aadhar number and the OTP that is sent to your registered mobile number.
3) Go to ‘Services’ and choose ‘Update Aadhar Online’.

4) Click on ‘Proceed to Update Aadhar’.
5) Select the details you want to update (in this case, Name) and click on ‘Proceed to Update Aadhar’.

6) Now you will be able to view your Aadhar details as it currently is. Make the necessary change in your details and upload the scanned copies of the required supporting documents.
7) You will be taken to a preview page, where the Aadhar details as it is going to be will be shown. Check if it’s correct, click proceed and pay the Rs.50 fee.
8) You will receive an Update Request Number (URN), that will help you track the status of your update.
The update will be done in 90 working days. This is how to change your name on your Aadhar card easily.
As we have looked at how to change name in Aadhar card online, lets see how we can do the same offline.
How to correct name in aadhar card Offline:
1) Go to your nearest Aadhar center.
2) Fill the Aadhar correction form.
3) Attach the self-attested copies of required supportive documents.
4) Pay the fees.
This is how to change name in Aadhar offline.
To maintain the authenticity of your Aadhar card, it is necessary that all valid information only be provided, and if there is a change or mistake in any info, update it.